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Healthy Aging Resource Guide
Why is there a need for a resource guide on healthy aging? The internet is a vast resource containing both accurate and inaccurate information. It is the library's job to provide patrons with current, correct information and we can do this in part by creating resource guides with a list of reputable websites where you can find accurate health information.
Health literacy skills can also be an issue, so providing access to reliable resources is especially important. What is health literacy? According to the Network of National Libraries of Medicine, "Health literacy requires a complex group of reading, listening, analytical, and decision-making skills, as well as the ability to apply these skills to health situations. For example, it includes the ability to understand instructions on prescription drug bottles, appointment slips, medical education brochures, doctor's directions and consent forms, and the ability to negotiate complex health care systems".
​​​​​​Listed below are several recommended websites and a short description of each one. If you require further assistance, please call the library and we'd be happy to help.
AARP Health: This is a nonprofit, member-based site which offers a lot of free information on topics including Medicare and health insurance, healthy living, dementia, conditions and treatments, and drugs and supplements. There is a user-friendly search function.
Alzheimer's Association: A nonprofit organization with information on diagnosing and treating Alzheimer's disease and dementia. Includes a section with information for caregivers.
Caring.com: Provides information on assisted living resources in Connecticut as well as information and support for caregivers of parents, spouses and other loved ones.
CDC Healthy Aging: Provides information on Alzheimer’s disease and dementia, as well as links for caregivers of individuals with dementia.
ClinicalTrials.gov: Find information on ongoing clinical trials as well as how to participate in them.
Eldercare Locator: Run by the U.S. Administration on Aging, this site connects people to services for older adults. Information on this site includes elder rights, insurance and benefits, health, transportation, support services, housing, and a section for caregivers.
Emergency Housing Guide: Provides assistance for seniors and veterans needing emergency housing assistance.
Fall Prevention Center of Excellence: This site provides information on successful fall prevention strategies. It has a section for individuals and families/caregivers which link to several tools and resources.
FamilyDoctor.org: This website is run by the American Academy of Family Physicians and has an entire section dedicated to articles specific to elder health. Results can be narrowed by age group, content type, and other topics.
Healthcare.gov: Information on insurance benefits, including Medicare and supplementing Medicare coverage.
Healthfinder: Information on health conditions, vaccines, screening tests, nutrition, safety (fall prevention, safe use of medications), and more. You can also input age and gender to see what screenings and vaccines are recommended. This site is run by the Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion. Site has option to switch language to Spanish.
HealthReach: Sponsored by the National Institutes of Health, this website offers health resources in various languages.
Medline Plus: This website is maintained by the U.S. National Library of Medicine. It has links to pages on health topics, including a specific section for older adults. There are also pages on prescription drugs and supplements, genetics, medical tests, a medical encyclopedia, and even healthy recipes. Medline’s focus is on providing easy-to-read materials in multiple languages.
Medline Plus Drugs, Herbs, and Supplements: Learn all about prescription drugs, over-the-counter medicines, herbs, and supplements and possible interactions, side effects, and dosages.
National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health: Information on alternative health practices and complementary products outside of conventional medicine.
National Council on Aging: This site covers both economical security and physical health concerns for older adults. It has links discussing Medicare and Medicaid, information on affordable prescriptions and food, energy assistance, dental and vision coverage, and much more. Under the healthy living tab, there are resources on fall prevention, chronic disease management, and senior nutrition.
National Institute on Aging: National Institute on Aging (NIA): Search for information on health topics using an A-Z Health Topics link, locate resources on healthy eating, exercise, caregiving, cognitive health, and communicating with doctors. There is also an option to change the website to Spanish.
Nursing Home Compare: Find and compare information on nursing homes all over. To search locally, simply type in the zip code, town, or state.
Nursing Home Abuse Center: Provides information on elder abuse and legal options.
Paying for Senior Care: Aging Americans are struggling to pay for assisted living, home care and other forms of long term care. Our mission is to solve this puzzle by providing tools, information and creative ideas which help families and caregivers discover the means to care for their elderly loved ones.
CT State Department of Aging and Disability Services: Learn about the various programs and services offered through the State of CT.
Senior Resources Agency on Aging: Based in Norwich, this nonprofit organization serves older adults living in New London and Windham counties. They offer Alzheimer’s Respite programs for caregivers, information on Meals on Wheels, local food pantries, and CT’s Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Programs, and a number of community-based services for older adults and caregivers. There is also a partnership with a program for veterans which allows them to receive services which enable them to remain at home longer.
UCFS Eldercare: Includes information on local services to older adults including adult daycare, supervised independent living, and more.
UCFS Geriatric Services: Assessments and guidance focusing on physical, psychological, functional, and medical issues. They also provide nutritional assessments and medication reviews for older adults.
Windham Hospital’s Senior Services: Under the auspice of Hartford Healthcare, there are several senior services offered including the Center for Healthy Aging, fitness programs, and a Natchaug Hospital Adult Program for older adults who are struggling with mental illness or substance abuse. In addition, there are several support groups held at Windham Hospital including: Alzheimer’s caregivers, Diabetes. Parkinson’s, Cardiac, and Cancer support.